Sunday, December 14, 2008

Selling With Your Personality

Anyone can sell if the price is cheap enough or if what is being sold is something people can't live without. However, for the vast majority of us, neither of these luxuries are part of the scenario. The difficulty of selling is compounded by the fact that most customers have a wide range of options available to them regarding what they can buy. Therefore, in order to close the sale, it becomes necessary for us to stand out from other salespeople. One of the best ways to be different is by displaying a confident personality.

A powerful sales tool that many of us overlook is our personality. It positively and negatively influences far more sales than we will ever admit to. I firmly believe that you should use your personality to impact every sales call. "CPP" is a concept I often teach to sales groups. It stands for "Confidently Passionate Personality" and it means to use your personality with a level of passion and confidence that allows the customer to believe you are genuinely interested in them and their success. Although it's not rocket science, it is a critical idea that is often neglected and is very useful in helping you gain sales over your competition.

Note that in order to successfully use your personality on a sales call, you have to be confident in how you can help your customers. Unfortunately, many salespeople are simply confident in what they're selling, not in their ability. There's a big difference. When you're confident in what you're selling, it means you're putting more emphasis on your products or services than you are on your customers. This misunderstanding eliminates a large number of salespeople from being able to use their personality to positively influence their ability to close. Confidence should not come across as manipulation. I'm sure we all know salespeople with infectious personalities that use them to bulldoze their way through with customers. On the surface, they're very successful, at least for the short term. However, those who have a manipulative personality will lull themselves into a false sense of security when, in reality, they're destroying their long-term sales potential.

A confident salesperson is willing to take the time to find out what the real needs of their customers are. They don't jump at the person's first comment and try to close the deal. Their genuine interest helps expose the underlying needs that the customer may otherwise not be willing to share. Confident salespeople believe so strongly in themselves and their ability to help that they're not concerned with making a quick sale. Rather, they want to make a great sale, which is usually much bigger and more profitable than a quick one.

Furthermore, when you're genuinely confident in yourself as a salesperson and how you can help people, it's impossible to keep from showing your passion. The word "passion" is usually heard in the context of someone being passionately in love with another person. This is not what I'm talking about. The "passion" that I'm referring to is showing genuine care and concern for helping the customer. This means that you're willing to not only take interest in what they are telling you, but to also dig deeper, even if it takes you down a line of questioning you had not planned on. The true test in demonstrating passion towards a customer is if after you've determined their needs and discovered that they are not in line with what you are selling, you would be willing to refer them to someone else. That's passion! Yes, it may mean giving up a sale, but I guarantee that if you truly are passionate towards your customers, you'll end up with far more sales in the long-run than the person who is not.

Finally, to successfully use your personality as a sales tool, you must be someone that people like to associate with. Negative or self-serving personalities will not see positive results. Your personality must be upbeat in both actions and words, and should be complimentary to everyone you come in contact with. Attractive personalities do not get easily upset with issues, are willing to help find solutions, and are optimistic. They are inviting rather than exclusive, and they cause others to be willing to share openly. Very simply, an attractive personality is one you would like to hang out with.

To determine your level of confidence, ask yourself the following two questions.

* Do customers call you for information that goes beyond what you sell?

* Do customers willingly refer you to others?

Although they are simple questions, the responses they elicit can quickly tell you if your personality is confident, but not arrogant.

Having a "Confidently Passionate Personality" is not something every salesperson can achieve. However, for the vast majority, it is attainable if they're willing to show genuine interest in their customers. The questions they ask and the service they provide will allow their personalities to be the effective sales tool that differs from their competition.

Mark Hunter, "The Sales Hunter", is a sales expert who speaks to thousands each year on how to increase their sales profitability. For more information, to receive a free weekly email sales tip, or to read his Sales Motivation Blog, visit

FROM TOLD TO SOLD! Leverage Your Stories to Resonate with Prospects and Customers

Have you ever heard a story that could have been about you?
Ever heard a story that reminded you of another one?
What about a story that sounded vaguely familiar?
Welcome to the power of story.

Unlike facts and figures, that often leave us cold, stories connect! And they connect deeply, often stirring us emotionally at a heart level. That's what makes them memorable, and powerful as a sales tool.

The Prevalence of Stories
We're wired for stories! And since birth we've been conditioned to respond to stories. It's how we learned about our family and environment, culture and country, our religion, strangers and the world at large. We remember stories, and we tell ours and others, repeatedly. And stories aren't just transmitted orally. They are fed us in and out of school, through books, radio, newspapers, opera, television and even through the Internet.

Stories in Sales: Story Tell, Story Sell
I've written before about the use of short success stories to help you sell. I prefer a three-part story, utilizing a Setting-Situation-Solution format. Using this format, you soft sell a listener on what you did for past clients, what you did on past projects, or the difference a product or service of yours made in solving a problem, overcoming a challenge or generating a favorable outcome.

The Power of Archetypal Stories
Your stories can work on both conscious and unconscious levels with prospects and clients. When you tell a story that echoes an archetypal theme your listener nods in agreement on multiple levels. Think about the stories you tell as you sell. Do they mimic traditional themes that represent the human experience? For your stories to connect, I recommend they allude to one of various familiar archetypal themes:

- The hero's journey
- Coming of age
- The acquiring of wisdom
- Pacts with the devil / fooling the devil
- Tricking the tricksters

Using The Archetypal Advantage to Connect with Customers
Consider some of these story genres and motifs for your use in selling products, services, and loyalty to brand affiliations and organizations.

Cautionary Tales
Cautionary tales are stories that warn of danger or harm that awaits you if you do or don't follow a particular course of action. Think of the boy who cries wolf one too many times and was no longer trusted. Or the story of the three little pigs. These tales are great for selling products and services. Perhaps you tell your story about the client who didn't back up, buy insurance or create redundant systems.

The Achilles Heel
From Greek mythology we know the tale of Achilles, the great warrior with a fatal flaw. If your story involves a competitor's product and its fatal flaw, we'll nod knowingly in light of Achilles' fate.

The Hero's Journey
The late Joseph Campbell devoted his life to studying hero tales from around the world. We can all relate to an irrepressible hero on a noble quest. The struggles to overcome, obstacles to negotiate, and sacrifices endured on the way to ultimate success. When your story echoes this arc your listener can become the hero or heroine, or is otherwise rooting for them. That's the power of story.

Creation Stories
Stories that explain how the world was created, or why the universe, world or life came to be the way they are. Found in many cultures around the world, these stories frame the world we live in, explaining its origins. Your creation story may explain the lineage of a device, an industry or your company.

Pourquoi Stories
These stories tell you why and how things are. They are great for teaching purposes. Stories such as "how the leopard got its stripes" explain a natural phenomenon or a reality we all accept. You can tell these why stories to explain the advent of trends, policies, research and migration paths for products and services.

Cinderella Stories
That elusive match, the magical shoe that fits just one foot, the chase, search or quest that ends in a match. An unjust oppression that is transcended. The conquest of love. These are universal sentiments you can tap in your sales story. Your love story can meld two devices, technologies, cultures or even ingredients.

From Told to Sold
As you can see, there are countless themes that echo the human experience. And they work across cultures and borders. Many of these same themes and motifs are present in Asian, European, African, Native American and other cultures. When your story is built atop a familiar theme it's that much more believable, tangible and powerful. Sell it through stories and you'll live happily ever after!

San Francisco Bay Area-based Professional speaker Craig Harrison's Expressions of Excellence!
provides sales and service solutions through speaking. For information on keynotes, training, coaching, curriculum for licensing and more, call (888) 450-0664, visit or E-mail

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sold Homestay in Bhumyagara Bekasi Indonesia

Specifications: wide land 92 M2, close to access jalan tol, SHM, close to swimming pool, wall itself. Price: Rp 75 millions.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rumah di Bhumyagara Bekasi dijual

Dijual rumah dengan luas tanah 92 meter persegi, bebas banjir, SHM, dekat dengan kolam renang, dinding bata merah, mempunyai dinding sendiri. Harga Rp 75 juta. hub. (021)93691843 atau 085921257543

Sold homestay in Bumi Anggrek Bekasi Indonesia

Specifications: wide land 60 meter persegi, full renovation, free from flood, SHM (The Right Owner Sertification. Price Rp 80 millions.

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